Make an array comsol 5.1
Make an array comsol 5.1

make an array comsol 5.1

You don't need any previous knowledge about this program and will get to know the basics in order to perform your own simple simulation and analyse the obtained data. Here are many tutorials that get you going with COMSOL. Comsol Seminar Home > Tutorials > Comsol Tutorials > Comsol SeminarĬOMSOL 4.2 - EasyTutorials - Comsol Seminar with many Tutorials Effective Relative Permeability in Porous Media and Mixtures. Įffective Relative Permittivity in Porous Media and Mixtures. Effective Conductivity in Porous Media and Mixtures. Effective Material Properties in Porous Media and Mixtures. Introduction to the Physics Interface Equations. Theory for the Electromagnetic Waves Interfaces Perfect Magnetic Conductor Surface Current Density. The Electromagnetic Waves, Time Explicit Interfaceĭomain, Boundary, and Pair Nodes for the Electromagnetic Waves, Time Explicit Interface. Initial Values.ĭomain, Boundary, Edge, Point, and Pair Nodes for the Transmission Line Equation Interface. The Electromagnetic Waves, Transient Interfaceĭomain, Boundary, Edge, Point, and Pair Nodes for the Electromagnetic Waves, Transient Interface. Transition Boundary Condition Periodic Condition. Scattering Boundary Condition Impedance Boundary Condition Perfect Magnetic Conductor Port.Ĭircular Port Reference Axis. 66 Electromagnetic QuantitiesĬhapter 4: The Radio Frequency Branch The Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain Interfaceĭomain, Boundary, Edge, Point, and Pair Nodes for the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain Interface.

make an array comsol 5.1

Introduction to Maxwell’s Equations Constitutive Relations. 52Ĭhapter 3: Electromagnetics Theory Maxwell’s Equations 45 Connecting to Electrical CircuitsĪbout Connecting Electrical Circuits to Physics Interfaces Connecting Electrical Circuits Using Predefined Couplings Connecting Electrical Circuits by User-Defined User-Defined Couplings Solving. 42 Lossy Eigenvalue CalculationsĮigenfrequency Eigenfrequency Analysis. 38 Lumped Ports with Voltage InputĪbout Lumped Ports. Modeling with Far-Field Far-Field Calculationsįar-Field Far-Field Support in the Electromagnetic Waves, Waves, Frequency Domain Interface. 27 27 Using Efficient Boundary Conditions. 17 Overview of the User’s User’s GuideĬhapter 2: RF Modeling Preparing for RF ModelingĢD Models. 12 Where Do I Access the Documentation and Model Libraries?. Support Support Knowl Knowledg edgee Base: Base: ./support/knowledgebase Part number: CM021001Ĭ o n t e n t s Chapter 1: Introduction About the RF Module.COMSOL COMSOL Video Video Cent Center: er: ./video.COMSOL COMSOL Commun Community ity:: ./community.


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make an array comsol 5.1


This Documentation Documentation and the Prog rams described herein are furnished furnishe d under the COMSOL Software License Agreement ( /sla)) and may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. RF Module User’s Guide © 1998–2013 COMSOL Protected by U.S.

Make an array comsol 5.1